Be One with the Lord

Through Him the whole structure is held together 
and grows into a temple sacred in the Lord; 
in Him you also are being built together 
into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. 
EPHESIANS 2 : 21-22

Father in heaven, You alone can build me up in Christ, who is the capstone and solid foundation of our family that brings praise and glory to Your Name. Thank You so much for giving me a new life that is glorious and free. 

In Your loving hands, You continue to hold us together making us grow in love with You each moment of our lives. All Your works of love done in me truly builds me up. My very strength and foundation has always been You. 

Please continue to hold me close to Your heart. Build us up together as Your very own dwelling place in the Spirit. May your hand continue to work in building us up so that we may finally settle in the home that You are giving us. 

Truly, each moment is a glorious blessing that only You can give. In you, we have found a home that is truly peaceful, secure, and abundant. 

With much love and thanksgiving I humbly offer You back all the glory and praise in Jesus Name. Amen.